In Jefferson county there is a channel of the Snake River called the "dry beds." This channel was the main channel at one time but through the years it changed. A head gate was built where it breaks off into this channel so they can now control when there is was in it. During the winter they close the channel and it becomes dry, thus the name "dry beds." During the summer it is a favorite place to float. You put in at about 4200 E. and float to the Jefferson County Lake, a trip of about 2 1/2 miles that takes about 2 hours. The ward met at the Lake then car pooled up to the launching point.
The launching crew or those brave enough to attempt the chilly float. Jordan and Kristin, Jared, Bishop, Bro. Broulim, Albert & Rachel, Sean, Kinslee, Ashley and Brock
Brother Broulim lead the way, although he was the last one to arrive back to the lake.
At not quite 2, Kinslee wasn't sure about the float, but had a great time with her daddy.
Bye, Mom we hope we make it back. It's so cold.
Jenna and Cooper waiting for the group to come back.
Ashley, Jenna, Cooper, Veronica
Caitlyn, Kristine and Cole
Is there a boy scout in the group? Steven and Scott showing off their great fire building talent. The fire was greatly appreciated by those who floated. Not only were they wet but very cold. Just hanging out enjoying the fire.
It's always nice to have your best friend to get you warm.
After the float, we enjoyed a meal of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, corn-on-the-cob, and salad. It was wonderful. Can you believe Jared ate 4 hamburgers, salad chips and more, how does he stay so thin?
A special thanks to the activities committee for the excellent job in planning a great activity. Also to Brother and Sister Broulim who helped so much.