What is it. some former members came to town and we decided it was a good excuse to get folks together and refill our oil well. We called it a reunion but it was really therapy for us. We love and miss being with all of you every week. Even though we love our home ward, this is where our hearts are, it felt so normal, so right to be with those who could come.
So what did we do for this great event.
We gathered at
Beazerville, for good food (the bishop cooked chicken, actually his son and daughter-in-law cooked it, everyone brought something to go with it), fun and train rides. It was the first time for most of them and the hightlight of all the little ones. Some, big and little, just couldn't get enough.

Mother Nature had her own idea of how things should go. she blew and
blew and blew, so we ended up moving it into the garage/shop/barn/train shed whatever you want to call it.

Various members of the bishopric and Brother
Broulim, who put off a grandson's birthday party to be with us.

The wives

All of us with the little ones.

Broulims was so happy to spend time with Hailey's new little sister.

Haws were happy to show off their daughter.

Marc and Jared had their usual eating competition. I don't know who ate the most chicken.

Weeks enjoyed the meal and train rides.

Finally we were able to meet the new

Beard's were full of hugs for everyone.
McMullins and the
Krista and Elena came without Steve who had to work.

Audra and Rachel chill out.
Last but not least Beazers and Boehmes

This must be a record, Sister
Beazer posting not just one picture of herself but three, not to mention the fact that she allowed pictures to be taken with her in them .
More pictures where taken, cameras were flashing right and left. This is only a taste of them.
THANKS to all who came, brought yummy food, rode the train and restored us to a bit of sanity. We missed those who couldn't come or forgot.
Let's do it again next year.