Upcoming Events and Other Important Stuff

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Unofficial BYU-I 67th Ward Reunion

What is it. some former members came to town and we decided it was a good excuse to get folks together and refill our oil well. We called it a reunion but it was really therapy for us. We love and miss being with all of you every week. Even though we love our home ward, this is where our hearts are, it felt so normal, so right to be with those who could come.

So what did we do for this great event.

We gathered at Beazerville, for good food (the bishop cooked chicken, actually his son and daughter-in-law cooked it, everyone brought something to go with it), fun and train rides. It was the first time for most of them and the hightlight of all the little ones. Some, big and little, just couldn't get enough. Mother Nature had her own idea of how things should go. she blew and blew and blew, so we ended up moving it into the garage/shop/barn/train shed whatever you want to call it.

Various members of the bishopric and Brother Broulim, who put off a grandson's birthday party to be with us.

The wives

All of us with the little ones.

Sister Broulims was so happy to spend time with Hailey's new little sister.

Haws were happy to show off their daughter.

Marc and Jared had their usual eating competition. I don't know who ate the most chicken.

Weeks enjoyed the meal and train rides.

Finally we were able to meet the new Mecham.

Beard's were full of hugs for everyone.

McMullins and the Beazers

Krista and Elena came without Steve who had to work.

Audra and Rachel chill out.
Last but not least Beazers and Boehmes
This must be a record, Sister Beazer posting not just one picture of herself but three, not to mention the fact that she allowed pictures to be taken with her in them .
More pictures where taken, cameras were flashing right and left. This is only a taste of them.
THANKS to all who came, brought yummy food, rode the train and restored us to a bit of sanity. We missed those who couldn't come or forgot.
Let's do it again next year.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Coming to the nearest train station near you.

Jared and Cait are coming from Texas, and since there are so many people they would love to see and since we are having withdrawal issues, we decided to have an

"Unofficial BYU-I 67th Ward Reunion".
If you know us from the 67th Ward you are invited. (Please RSVP if you are coming). It will be July 5th, 6:30 -9:30 at Beazerville (or 695 N. 4200 E. for those who don't know the way, due to road construction, don't google, ask for directions, also this is not our house address.) I have on good authority that the Beazer ShortLine will be running. The Bishop (probably really Sister Beazer as he is also the head engineer) will be cooking chicken. So bring something tasty to go with that. Plates, cups, silverware and cold water will be available.

We hope to reacquaint with all our old memories. (Remember to RSVP).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Girls and babys they go together

One of the things we miss most about serving up to BYU-I is the people. Every once in a while an opportunity comes up that means getting together with a few of them, and it refills the oil in our lamp.
Tonight was extra special, such that I was willing to actually be in a picture. Of course I made sure I had some great company with their cute baby bellies. Thanks Erin, Rachel, Samantha, Jenna, Kirsten and Calli.
(and Audra, my stalkee)
I have been rejuvenated.
I wish I could come up for the big divide this coming Sunday, but I have a calling that requires I be in the home ward. Sunday School and 14 year olds and I love it, although not as much as I loved being up there.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fun in the Snow

Usually when we go to Island Park it is too work. Not this trip it was just fun in the snow. Yes, snow can be fun.
This bishop arranged with some friends to borrow their cabin and snow mobiles. His family from Utah came up and stayed for the weekend. FUN, FUN, FUN. 14 adults, 7 little children (the oldest had just turned 7). We ate, played card games, xbox, wii, ate, watched movies, ate, put together puzzles, ate, went to church, ate, played in the snow, ate some more and even snuck a little sleep in. Did I mention we ate, way too much. This waiting for the rest of the group to head out on a quick trip.
Helping the little ones with their puzzle. It's quite a challenge when their attention span is about 2 minutes and they want the puzzle done right now.

The adults played card games. Of course he didn't win.
It was nice to get away for a couple of days, spend time with family and just have fun.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Visitors are always a good thing

We don't always have to do the visiting. Sometimes they come to us and that is always a good thing. It's like a breath of fresh air, a shot in the arm of good cheer, a welcome event.
A few couple dropped by and submitted to some food and games. (Audra rocked) Andersons

Visitors from the 67th ward are always welcome.
So how did the bishop spend his New Years?
We are notoriously boring for the event. Most years we are snoring away when the midnight ball drops. We planned on this year being the same. We went to a movie (Sherlock Holmes, a lot of action for sure) then came home planning on making an early night of it as usual. Our son was up playing games and so to be social we played also. Before we knew it the New Year was upon us. Luckily most people can sleep in, except the old folks like us, whose bodies say it's time to get up before the rest of the world. A well deserved nap was certainly in order.
Yes, that really is a teddy bear, graciously loaned to him by his great niece. We had taken the bishops mother to go see "New Moon" then dashed home because the niece and her two daughters were in town. They loved playing with Uncle Syd and talked him into taking a nap, not a hard task to do. They thought it would easier with their furry friend.
We hope everyone had a Happy and Safe New Years eve and day and that 2010 will bring lots of happiness and success.