Upcoming Events and Other Important Stuff

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A day of "LASTS"

Today was a bitter-sweet day filled with "Lasts." It was the last Sunday for the 67th ward to meet in the Austin, in a makeshift nursery, no organ, and the smell of automotive. The last Sunday for the 8th stake to have all the same wards, before the big split, the last time Sister Beazer would have to speak in the 51st Ward, (they are going to a different stake), the last time we as a Stake Relief Society had to find a room to meet in, the last time for Bishop Hansen of the 11th ward (he was released today), the last time to go up the hill to church. The sweet of the day was that is was last of many things and next time the ward meets it will be in our new stake center. A real nursery, an organ, benches, a real bishop and clerks office, a real Relief Society and Primary room, a kitchen and mother's lounge, closets to store stuff in, better parking, walking to church an option, knowing that it is our building. It will require that we take our turn at setting up chairs, cleaning, shoveling snow, setting up and taking down chairs, locking up and turning out the lights, small sacrifices for enjoying a new building.

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