Upcoming Events and Other Important Stuff

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Memories, Memories, Memories

I realized that I had forgotten to post memories the last two weeks, OOPS!
This coming week is going to be a long one and yet too fast. So many thoughts and memories will be going through our minds, I doubt sleep will be big on the list. We have loved every minute of serving at BYU-I and especially in the 67th Ward. We have made some of our dearest friends and feel we are better because we have known so many of you. Thank-you for your love and friendship.

Today I am doing a brief review of the past bishoprics, Zach, Bishop, Spence
Aug, 2006-July 2007

HMMM, can't find the Spence, Bishop, Tom picture so you have to settle for this one.
Christi, Tom, Asher, Michelle, Amber, Spence, Bishop
July 2007-Dec 2007

Tom, Bishop, Jared
December 2007-July 2008

Jared, Bishop, Marc
July 2008-Dec 2009

Jake, Bishop, Marc,
Dec 2008 - TBA

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